
Thursday, December 26, 2013

My 12 Days: Day one, stories

I am always thinking.  Often I haunt myself with the past and things I could've said, or done.  Lately I have been thinking that needs to change.
Yesterday I watched that thought process come to life re-telling the tales of years ago.  There was the Christmas morning my sister and I opened our gifts as our parents slept and in that same morning we lost and earned back the toys we'd been gifted.  There was the time I got stuck between the ladder rungs leading to the schoolyard slide after attempting to slither like a snake which ended in a bruised torso, ego and, the wind showing the kids laughing at me my printed saggy panties.  There was also the time my sister attempted a microwaved boiled egg that exploded and turned her into big bird for a few minutes while she stood looking at me in shock.  No matter how I tell them, these stories all go the same start to finish.
But what of the stories that need telling?  Sometimes my head feels over filled with webs weaved in people watching, thinking about my relationships with others, and myself.
The words just don't seem to come out.  Yet, something feels different.

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